Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gavi v Checkmate!

And as I had ingeniously predicted, I did jinx myself with my last post, and life did bring it on. Damn it, it brought it on big flippin time. In the game of chess between me and the possibly-existing-but-I'm-really-not-that-sure-supernatural-master/mistress-of-the-universe (which we will neutrally and safely refer to as "Google"), my queen has just been knocked out, and my king is uselessly cowering behind an army of underage pawns. And when I wonder where the damn bishop is just now that I need him, the blush on the knight's face gives it all away ...

Anyway, before I go into not so very deep details, let me include a proviso here before Sedqa or Caritas get me off the net for encouraging alcoholic substance abuse. I'm not a drinker, and in fact my favourite drink in any bar is the Diet Virgin Cuba Libre so there is no way that anyone can possibly say that I am a fan of alcohol. So there, read with caution and an open mind (let's all make the collective effort to stop being Maltese until the end of the post), and as always, take what I say with a pinch of salt.

The point I'm trying to make is that when your week has just been a series of events resulting from a rotational loop of bad decisions taken by others, and when long drives in the rain do not work because really, any reflective attempts are overwhelmed by caustic rage and sheer disbelief, there is nothing...Nothing...NOTHING better than heading to a favourite bar after work on a Friday evening with your favourite colleagues and soak your surprised, but not entirely resentful liver with bottle after bottle of 35 South or Gavi di Gavi :D. When the number of glasses of wine consumed hit the double digits, that's where you know that with a "to hell with everyone" you can find the strength to laugh and forget.

The day after you'll wake up with nausea and a feeling of slight disbelief, but what the hell, you would have knocked the cavorting bishop off Google's board, and stepped closer to his queen, and farther away from your checkmate.


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