Sunday, November 13, 2011

Goodbye to the Italian ice-breaker!

Good evening to all!

It's been almost a week since I last updated my blog ... I tried a number of times to put my disjointed opinions to "paper" but I admit that following my self-imposed censorship on local politics and on people-who-might-realise-I'm-talking-about-them, I found the river of thought to have become quite parched. Having said that, I still got 543 views since I started this blog which is just about short of being amazing and just a couple of million hits away from DCG's blog :D. Admittedly, some hits have to be mine, but still, thank you loads for the support :).

So, big news of the week ... Berlusconi is "trenino"ing himself away from Italian politics to the sound of the Halleluia sung by cherubic angels wearing Nicki Ventola T-shirts and Gianfranco Fassino pants. I'm really quite glad about this, if only because all my Italian friends deserve better than having every conversation with them start with "but tell me, who the hell voted for Berlusconi?". I guess there are a number of 18 year olds girls (aka letterine, schedine, paperelle, letteronze, veline, stronzine, p*****ine)who are quite desperate though, their dreams of becoming Ministers and MEPS have been pretty much shattered and they might actually need to go look for a real job which does not involve a pay check proportional to their cup size.

I can also now stop wondering who the hell voted for Domenico Scilipoti (the delightful little guy in the picture below) since I now know that in actual fact, no one did, he just found his way into the Italian Parliament because of the way their electoral system works.

The conversational dynamics with Italians will now have to change, but I'll adapt, just as foreigners will now have to adapt to not use the ice-breaker "so is it true that in Malta you don't have divorce????? O.O" Thank God (tee hee)we got rid of that conundrum :D And yes, God is probably not amused, but if s/he did not want me to use irony, why did s/he grace me with it?? Final thought on divorce (since it borders on my self-imposed censorship as well) - SUCK IT PHILLIPINES!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Lovely ... off to hell I go :)

Wishing you all a lovely week, I've just been jacuzzied, bubbled and spaed to squeaky and shiny oblivion all day, and life's good :). And yes, I am pretty sure that I have now jinxed it.

Bring it on!


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