Saturday, October 29, 2011

Have faith in our brains please!

When reading the following article on the Times, I was enraged. Now that some days have passed, and Halloween is upon us as usual without any clerical regiment armed with a sharply pointed second finger aimed at our sinful faces, I can't help wondering what really pissed me off so much.

It's not that I give much or a rat's touche about Halloween really, just like

Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve, it's just a commercialization of a perfectly normal day that would mean nothing to most people had it not been for the supreme marketing skills of Those-Who-Make-Money-Out-Of-It. Neither was I annoyed about the fact that I seriously believe that the opinion of this Parish Priest is absolute rubbish (of the Reduce, but definitely not Reuse or Recycle type), because in all fairness, most of what I say can be classified in pretty much the same way (and many times, my opinions are of the biodegradable kind actually!), and I cannot afford to get pissed off at myself every time I put my foot in my mouth.

What I think really angered me from this whole saga is the fact that it seems that this Parish Priest never thought of speaking to his parishioners, speak TO, as opposed to speaking AT, which I'm sure he does constantly, from the pulpit while he preaches and/or pontificates on what we must [not] do in order to achieve salvation. Fair enough, I guess it's part of the Terms Of Reference needed to become a priest, but if he just took the time to speak TO the people, he would have perhaps realised that:

1. Young people and adults may like Halloween because it gives them a good excuse to party and dress up for a [newly established] tradition that it is edgier, raunchier and somewhat more exciting than the Lamefest that is Carnival;
2. Children like halloween because they get to receive treats and new costumes a few weeks after starting school and at the beginning of a month that is known for being boring and dreary;

If I wanted to participate in any acts of violence, sadism and torture, I would definitely not wait for Halloween to do it while dressed up in a brand new costume (possibly ordered from ebay) while drinking pumpkin juice from a skull. Anyone wanting to engage in sexual perversions with a vampire thinking it was Edward Cullen would just need to step out in the sun to realise that no one can really imitate the sparkly essence of the original. Why is it that the Church does not seem to trust any of us with using our brains? Wasn't our grey matter, according to their literary references, created by God? Shouldn't it thus be perfectly capable of distinguishing a day and night of spooky dress up as just that?

The logic fails me, but then again ... maybe I'm not quite looking for it in the right place.

On a totally unrelated topic, and after being asked for it, please find an example of what a Geekie-Hottie looks like :D :D.


  1. reading your post, watching Corpsebride on Halloween night, having bought M&S witches' fingers gingerbreads and pumpkin/eyeball chocolate balls for the niece and nephew ... my, my, i'm on the fast track to hell according to Mr. Parish Priest!

    (oh and, btw, i am a staunch supporter of the geekie-hottie look: ;))

  2. It's always a pleasure to converse with fellow geekie-hottie lovers :D.

    thanks for your comment ... and yes, it really seems that you're in for a fast, straight road to hell, but at least you'll be enjoying yourself on the way :)

  3. btw il vici kappilan ta balzan wrote it.

  4. after this pearl of wisdom I don't seem him getting promoted anytime soon ;)

  5. his pearl of wisdom obviously, not mine :P
